It’s Wiblet Season again and Tak is determined to catch the impossibly fast Wiblet for the Chief to feast on. Now, it's up to Jeera to somehow stage a "boxing match" between the Pugnacious and Tak, or risk having her best friend stumbling around the tribe punching trees forever. With Jeera's help, Tak tries to transfer his powers back, but unfortunately Pugnacious likes life without his Juju power.

Tak finds himself wobbling around the village, swinging his arms and knocking himself out whenever he hears a bell. Now, if Tak can just figure out how to turn Chief back into an adult before the village tears itself apart./After summoning Pugnacious Juju for some "fight training," Tak accidentally punches the Juju and absorbs his powers. That is, until he realizes the Pupununu are falling apart without his leadership. Tak goes a little overboard with his magic and turns Chief into a baby. So he asks Tak to make him young again, young enough to have no responsibilities at all. Chief’s getting sick of his responsibilities.